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Our Offer


In our rapidly changing world, many feel pressured by the continuous demands on their time, energy, and attention. There is less opportunity to slow down, and there is a growing desire for inner fulfillment and contentment.

At this time, we feel we have something significant to offer—an oasis of peace and tranquility that exists no matter what is happening around us.


Maybe what we have is what you are looking for—an opportunity to find deep rest and peace, a simple means to improve the quality of your life.

In the following pages, we will introduce you to the gift we were entrusted with—a way of life that is uniquely able to nourish individual and collective life at its very source.

We hope you will take a few minutes to discover a whole new world you never knew existed...our world.

Thank you for your attention, for it is attention that can transform life.

—Mother Divine Programme Europe


Clarity of Mind


'It’s been eight years since I was on the Mother Divine Programme, and there is a clarity of mind, inner strength, and peace of mind I gained that I am still enjoying in my daily life now.’




'Enlightenment is the normal, natural state of health for the body and mind.


'It results from the full development of consciousness and depends upon the perfect and harmonious functioning of every part of the body and nervous system.

'When one is using the full potential of the mind and body in this way, every thought and action is spontaneously correct and life-supporting.

'This is life free from suffering, life lived in its full stature and significance.' 


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“Attending the course gave me a deeper

understanding of the very nurturing and

enlightening influence of Mother Divine around the globe. I felt honoured to be part of such an inspiring group.

As in individual and mother, I am grateful

to these women for their dedication and

the harmonising effect they have
—we need them now more than ever.”

  Transcendental Meditation, TM-Sidhi, and Maharishi Vedic Science are trademarks registered in many countries around the world.


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